Xiamen Monake Import And Export Co., Ltd
What does suspension parts do
Jul 28, 2020

Bushing has high flexibility in use, and it can play a lot of roles. Generally speaking, bushing is a kind of component to protect equipment. The use of bushing can reduce the wear, vibration and noise of equipment, and has anti-corrosion effect. The use of bushing can also facilitate the maintenance of mechanical equipment, simplify the structure of equipment and manufacturing process.

The role of bushing in practical work is closely related to its application environment and purpose. In the field of valve application, the bushing is installed in the valve cover to cover the valve stem, so as to reduce the leakage of the valve and achieve sealing effect. In the field of bearing application, the use of bushing can reduce the wear between bearing and shaft seat, and avoid the increase of clearance between shaft and hole.

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